Koffee Chipu

Life is not how great the end will be, it's how you treasure them and live in their deepest heart.


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 半年ぶりの記事になりますm(__)m フィリピンセブ島での留学を終え、転職活動をしました。そこで外資系企業の面接での失敗例を紹介したいと思います。笑 

前職が営業職だったので、自身のユニークなアイデア(恋愛テクニック=ビジネステクニック)を例証しプレゼンしました。”第一印象・タイミング・信頼 ” の3つのカテゴリーに分け、最後にまとめを。

個人的にはとても好きな理論なのですが、企業サイドの質問テーマからポイントが外れてしまった為、結果として良い結果が頂けませんでした。特に外資系企業での面接ではロジスティクス(数字or 正確な理論)な返答を必要とします。よって、英文でのプレゼン作成時の参考にしてください。決して内容は参考にしないで下さいね。笑



It's nice to meet you and I'm honored to be giving a presentation to you today.

Let me get started. I've divided my talk into three parts. I plan to speak for about 10 minutes. I'll be happy to answer your questions at the end of my talk.

I am sure that you are all well versed in my topic today but what I am going to talk about is my personal sales theory.

Strategies for a man to win a woman's heart, or for a woman to win a man's heart are the same strategies to be used to be great at business.

There are three reasons why I believe so.

The first reason, First Impression

First meeting is critical. You can either make it or break it. As the old saying goes, first impression lasts. Psychologist said that your image into someone will linger for two years or more.

Please look at it. Just 10 seconds and a top priority is appearance.

But my point is not like that. because Attitude・Knowledge and Interest including Appearance are just ordinary ways of thinking.

Manner of speaking is a selling skill, that would be the strength that I have, and this is exactly the same on business.

The second reason, Right Moment

Here's some statistics. Please look at it.

How many dates before getting committed to each other?


The first time is the biggest moment, a great opportunity, and the second to 4th times is the potential time. But every first time is risky. First Time is critical and should be handled carefully. It is the same on business. 

During the first to 4th times session, we should be able to understand clients demand, be sensitive to their needs and to learn how to respond to them. Having such mindset probably has lead me to succeed in dealing with them. Failure in this kind of opportunity can be attributed to not being able to find the right moment, a success on this, lead to a long-term business and even personal relationship. Gaining great impression, doing aggressive action in the first time are not bad. However, it should not be taken for granted This can be related to the next reason.

The third reason, Reliance

When we go on a date, we shouldn't make it obvious that we couldn't wait to kiss our date. Rushing to kiss her might just spoil the moment. This is in connection with the second reason. Most of the time, attaining the goal means, taking the long route. Building a relationship with the client is the key. A good relationship facilitates effective business discussion.

There are ways to build relationship with clients. For example, opening up personal problems to our client, and asking their opinion about it. In like manner, they will open up their mind to us as well. Like making great friendship = The reliance. It is classic but definitely effective.

Since quitting the last company, I didn't keep in touch with my boss, subordinates, and clients but I got a call from my first acquired client 2 weeks ago. We had a nice conversation. We talked about anything, even unrelated to business. With my abilities to be reliable, clients will over look the price. Again, it is not sophisticated but it's going to work.


I'd like to quickly go over the main points of todays topic.

Naturally, our aim as a salesman is a great result however we shouldn't take the process for granted. Because perfecting the process will yield great result. I believe that being a process oriented salesman, I can achieve more. 

This is the end of my presentation. Thank you (all) so much for your attention.

Are there any questions?                                                                                               That's it.                             



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